Bethel Austin Saltillo | June 2025
Aliana Everman
Aliana is a member of the leadership team at Christian Charters. Growing up in a missional family she has felt the call to Latin America for many years. She has answered the call and continues to minister every opportunity she has. She loves working with kids and there are no shortage of children in Saltillo!
Jason Everman
Jason has served on the leadership team at Christian Charters and is in charge of leading worship in English and Spanish. A veteran of the mission field, Jason personifies a selfless determination to serve others tirelessly!
Vanessa Everman
Vanessa is our mission leader at Christian Charters and serves in many other capacities as well. She has a heart for missions and loves to go! Her passion for Jesus and compassion for the lost and hurting make her a perfect fit in any ministry!
David Colwell
This will be our third year ministering in Saltillo. Every year seems to produce more fruit and we are looking forward to continue partnering with Pastor Obed at Alcance y Vida. We are believing God for more salvations, more healings, and more deliverances!
Aiden Brown
The primary reason I want to go back to Mexico this year is because last year was so amazing! I feel the trip changed me and brought me closer to God! I am believing this year will be even better and look forward to meeting many new friends!
Ben Brown
I want to go to Mexico so that I can spread the love of Jesus to those who maybe haven't heard it yet. He called us in the Great Commission to go out to every nation, and I want to obey Him in everything.
Reeves Ahart
We saw God move in powerful ways last year and we are expecting an even greater move this year! I look forward to sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ in Saltillo!
Josiah Ybarra
Ella Evans
I want to go on this trip because I feel God calling me and I want to see Him work in amazing ways. I want everyone to feel God's fire. I went last year and it was one of the most life changing things I’ve ever done. I long for revival to break out In my generation.
Jacob Evans
Paxton Waters
I want to worship and lead people to Christ in a different country. I also want to see God move in the missionary field. I would like to sample some truly authentic Mexican food on this trip!
Evening Kingma
I want to go to Mexico because I want to take a step of faith and reach out to other nations. I have heard of so many cool stories from students who have gone previously and I want to partake in those encounters. I have prayed about this for years and the Lord has finally opened the door for me to go 😊
Maya Roberts
Pierce Waters
Jade Gross
Jahi Evans
Alycia Crane
Pastor Tim Specht
Pastor Tim and his wife Naomi serve as the Pastors of the Relevant Youth at Bethel Austin. They have done a wonderful job of raising up world changers and every year the team seems to grow in number and in strength!
Peru | September 2025
Amy Duggins
Amy is a true Revivalist! Whenever the Holy Spirit prompts this bold evangelist she approaches anyone highlighted too her. She has led people to the Lord in the airport, restaurants, stores/shops and even in the streets of Austin! On one trip to Peru she shared the gospel with the tour guide at Machu Picchu. Anyone and everyone is a potential target for this Spirit filled warrior for Christ!
Jody Delgado
A veteran of multiple trips to Mexico, Jody serves on the Leadership team at Christian Charters as the Chief Financial Officer. Jody has a heart for the loss and a special gift for identifying hidden treasure in God's children. A prophetic sister who always has a word of encouragement for our team, our short term missionaries, and the crowds of people we minister to on our trips!